The purpose of the tutorial is to enable students to apply the Stages of Change Model (Prochaska and Di Clemente, 1982) when promoting Healthy Eating and Exercise with a patient / client who has not yet developed health problems.
There are two parts to the tutorial wihich need to be completed before the face-to-face tutorial session.
- Part I is a private activity.
- Part II requires you to come prepared and ready to feeback to the group upon your approach/strategies with one or more of the case scenarios.
Part I - Assessing your own diet and lifestyle
- Calculate your BMI using the online healthy weight calculator tool.
- Complete the Healthy Eating self-assessment quiz.
Reflect on your results and answer the following questions:
- What did you learn about yourself from the quiz?
- Is your BMI within the ‘acceptable range’?
- Do you exercise sufficiently (cumulative exercise of at least 30mins activity per day) to be a healthy weight and have a healthy heart?
- Can you think of any strategies that would help you to change your present behaviour?
- If you do all the ‘healthy things’ what motivates you to keep this up?
- Part II - Using the Stages of Change Model
- Review the Stages of Change Model
- You should now consider undertaking the assessments with a client to help her or him understand their individual problems / needs in the Pre-contemplation, Contemplation or Preparing to change phases of the cycle or who has Relapsed.
- Choose one of the following scenarios and apply each of the Stages of Change Model, outlining briefly exactly what you might say/strategy that you would adopt (think also of timing, setting, communication skills etc.)
Scenarios- A young woman of 19 yrs struggling with excessive weight gain and issues of body image.
- A heavilly overweight 33 yr old mother of three young children.
- A middle-aged (45) heavily overweigh transport company manager.