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Module D Quiz 1

Plagiarism Quiz

Based on what you have just read, complete the following questions to test your knowledge:

1. Which of the following statements are true?

2. Examine and compare the following:


“Psychoanalytic theory deals with abstract ideas about the psyche and concentrates on the verbal symptoms whereby the truth about psychological characteristics is revealed. Psychoanalytic therapy, however, is only actualized in the analytic situation, with the patient, or analysand, enacting his or her condition in the presence of the analyst.” (Fortier, 2002, p.93)

(Reference: Fortier, M. (2002) Theory / Theatre: An introduction. 2nd edition. London & New York: Routledge)

Student work:

Psychoanalytic theory deals with ‘abstract ideas’ about the human psyche. It concentrates on symptoms revealed through speech whereby the truth about one’s psychological characteristics is revealed. Psychoanalytic therapy is only actualized in the context of analysis in which the patient (or analysand) enacts his/her condition while in the presence of the analyst.

Having compared the above, in your opinion has the student:

Tick any that apply.

3. Examine and compare the following:


“Failure to take medications as directed also has considerable consequences for patients, providers and the pharmaceutical industry. Patients may get only partial or no benefit but potentially still have the risk of a drug-related adverse event. With acute treatments, such as antibiotics, they run the risk of treatment failure or antibiotic resistance thus limiting their own and society’s armoury of useful antibiotics. With chronic treatments they may die earlier or suffer more complicated medical conditions." (Parkinson, Wei & MacDonald, 2006, p.12)

(Reference: Parkinson, J., Wei, L., & MacDonald, T. (2006) “View from the Real World.” In Davies, M. & Kermani, F. eds. Patient Compliance: Sweeting the Pill. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 7-22.)

Student work:

“Failure to take medications as directed also has considerable consequences for patients, providers and the pharmaceutical industry. Patients may get only partial or no benefit but potentially still have the risk of a drug-related adverse event” (Parkinson, Wei & MacDonald, 2006, p.12).  Regarding acute treatments e.g. antibiotics, patients may run the risk of treatment failure also.

Having compared the above statements, in your opinion, has this student plagiarised?

4. Why might re-using material you authored from a previous assignment and not citing this be an example of plagiarism? Tick any that apply: