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Getting The Most From Your Event

Event Completion

After an event, the process is not complete until all of the necessary follow-up has been completed and all loose ends have been tied up.  Following your event, make sure you:

  • Clean up all event-related materials and return any borrowed items to appropriate sources
  • Request receipts from speakers for reimbursable expenses
  • Request invoices from all suppliers and update budget with actual costs
  • Send 'Thank You' notes to speakers, special guests and event staff
  • Reflect on the planning process and make notes of areas for improvement
  • Request invoices from all suppliers and update budget with actual costs (N.B. please consult finance for information on restrictions on reimbursable expenses).


Attendee Follow Up

Once a guest has chosen to attend or you have built a relationship with an attendee, it is important to consider how you will maintain contact after your event to ensure maximum impact. Event feedback surveys are a great way to gauge how useful your guests found the event, find out what went well and what could be improved and open a post-event communication channel.

Surveys can be created and sent electronically using online applications such as Survey Monkey using the contact details you gathered at the registration stage.  A sample follow up survey can be found here, along with some useful Survey Tips.

Don’t forget to be mindful of all GDPR Regulations when sending surveys!


Contact the Events and Conferencing Team


Call us on 028 9097 5340 or email

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