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2021: Easier Said Than Done - Drop-in Sessions: Create Your Own Bespoke Plan

Not sure where to begin with setting SMART goals? We've got you covered!

Bullet journal with a check-box list. Text overlay reads: 2021: Easier Said than Done: Drop-in sessions: Create your bespoke plan
January 11, 2021 - January 14, 2021
Online - You will be able to pick a slot when the booking system opens
09:00 - 17:00

We get it... you have the best of intentions, you want to set yourself a target of doing something that is not only realistic, but is achievable. You want something that you aren't going to forget about in a few days or weeks - you want long-term change.

Sometimes, we need some assistance with that; chatting it through with someone else not only helps with your own self-accountability, but it also ensures that you can co-create a plan which you know is achievable, and designed around your individual needs and priorities. 

Register for one of our drop-in sessions, to speak to one of the team from the Student Wellbeing Service, and we will help you to discuss your plan for 2021, and how you can work towards achieving your goals.

Bookings are open now! Click "Book now" to book your slot - appointments will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. 

These sessions are really informal, so you don't need to prepare a huge amount in advance. Just write down a few goals that you are thinking about working towards, and we will help guide you to co-create a plan for the months ahead.

Have any questions? Contact our Event Organiser below!


This event is being ran as part of the "2021: Easier Said Than Done" campaign, organised by the Student Wellbeing Service. Please click here to view the rest of the programme, and explore how you can get involved! 

Join our Mailing List to be kept up-to-date about the campaign, or follow us on our InstagramTwitter, and Facebook where we will also be posting lots of handy tips on goal-setting for the new year!

Event Organiser Details
Name Student Wellbeing Service