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Playful Interventions and Collateral Behavior Change for Children with Autism

The Graduate School front entrance
July 20, 2021
19:30 - 20:30

The Centre for Behaviour Analysis in the School of SSESW invites you to this event with Dr Russell Lang.

Event Description

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But, for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” Selecting target behaviors is perhaps the most important step in providing effective behavioral intervention. In this webinar, we will discuss situations in which targeting play behaviors should be emphasized in behavioral intervention planning and how to consider typical development when developing play goals. Framed by results from systematic literature reviews and a series of single-case design studies, this one-hour webinar will argue that play skills represent a behavioral cusp that can lead to untargeted collateral behavior change, serve as a mediator for generalization, and provide a reinforcement-rich natural context for future intervention programming. 


Russ Lang, Ph.D., BCBA-D is a Professor of Special Education and a doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D). Dr. Lang is the Director of the Clinic for Autism Research Evaluation and Support at Texas State University. He has published four books as well as more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters in the areas of applied behavior analysis, special education, developmental disability, and evidence-based practice standards. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders and is on editorial boards of 12 peer-reviewed journals including American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, and Learning Disabilities Quarterly. He is the former editor-in-chief of Developmental Neurorehabilitation and a former Associate Editor for Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities and Journal of Child and Family Science. For his early career research contributions, Dr. Lang received the Association of Positive Behavior Supports Ted Carr Initial Researcher Award and the Texas Association of Behavior Analysis Research Award. He has also received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly Activities from Texas State University and the Distinguished Peer-review Award from Elsevier publishing. Dr. Lang’s TEDx Talk on Evidence-based Practice and Pseudoscience can be viewed here


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