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WOW - Week 3 - The Attitude of Gratitude (Zine-Making Workshop)

Bring out your creativity and join us for a zine making workshop and learn some drawing tips!

Graphic image for WOW event - zine making
January 27, 2021
Microsoft Teams
13:00 - 14:00

Zines are a great form of self-expression and its history is inspired by DIY crafting and nonconformist publishing.

This hands-on workshop is a great opportunity to make your own zine and create something fun to keep! Your zine can be entirely personalised to your own ideas and inspirations, and learn some drawing and art tips along the way. This interactive workshop will take the theme of 'Gratitude' and we will help you to create your zine and answer any questions you might have!

All you need for this workshop is a piece of A3 paper (A4 paper will also work, it will just be smaller!), scissors/scalpel paper, and any drawing materials you have! This workshop will be hosted by Belfast-based illustrator, Fiona McDonnell.


  • To see our full WOW programme, check out our overview of WOW Semester 2.
  • Do you have any feedback on WOW Events? Or have some ideas on what you would like to see us do? Let us know!
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Event type
Sport / Recreation
Student Wellbeing Service
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Health / Wellbeing
Event Organiser Details
Name Pelin Yildir