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Academic Writing Series: How to perform a literature search

Enhance the productivity and strength of your research with the use of detailed literature searches.

July 22, 2024
Online (MS Teams)
14:30 - 16:00

You will learn to:

• Identify relevant databases for your research.
• Develop a strategy to refine the scope of your search.
• Manage and keep track of your selected sources.

Some of the strategies covered in this session include the use of Boolean operators and referencing management systems. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, share your learning, and network with other students.

Meet the Consultant: Dr Abbie Edgar, Researcher Development Consultant

Abbie supports postgraduate students with their research development and is passionate about enabling them to reach their academic potential. Abbie has a PhD in Education and is a trained post-primary teacher.

Abbie's previous experience before taking up her role at the Graduate School included supporting undergraduate students with their academic skills in the Learning Development Service at QUB, working as a Support Provider for students with disabilities at QUB and as an Associate Lecturer at the Open University. 

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