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Book Launch: Judicial Review Seminar

March 7, 2024
Inn of Courts, 91 Chichester Street Belfast BT1 3JQ
17:30 - 19:00

This 3rd edition provides a fully updated account of the purposes of judicial review; the nature of the
public-private divide in Northern Ireland law; the judicial review procedure; the grounds for review;
and remedies. As with the previous editions, the focus is on case law that is unique to Northern Ireland,
and the book identifies some important differences between principle and practice in Northern Ireland
and England and Wales. These now include differences resulting from the Ireland-Northern Ireland
Protocol (as amended by the Windsor Framework), and this edition explains how and when EU law
continues to apply in Northern Ireland. It also examines the leading Human Rights Act decisions of the
Northern Ireland courts and the House of Lords and UK Supreme Court.

The new edition refers to leading case law from the courts in England and Wales and Scotland; the
European Court of Human Rights; and the Court of Justice of the European Union. There is a particular
focus on recent rulings of the High Court and Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland and of rulings of the
Supreme Court in cases heard on appeal from Northern Ireland. It considers the main points in Judicial
Review Practice Direction 03-2018 and surveys the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and its
implications for Northern Ireland (including through the Ireland-Northern Ireland Protocol, as amended
by the Windsor Framework).

From the Foreword by Rt Hon Dame Siobhan Keegan, Lady Chief Justice of Northern Ireland
“The admirable quality of this book, which has the great merit of being scholarly and practical in equal
measure, both informs and reflects the wealth of judicial review expertise in this jurisdiction which has
seen a volume of judicial review litigation disproportionate to its size…. Professor Anthony’s impressive
labours evident in this publication will, I am confident, continue to make their own indispensable
contribution to a clear appreciation of both the procedural mechanisms and conceptual canons of
judicial review law and to the manner in which that law should be appropriately developed for the
ultimate benefit of all in this jurisdiction.”

Thursday 07 March 2024, 5.30-7.00pm,
Inn of Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast

There is a booking fee of £110 for attendance at the seminar, which has CPD accreditation of 1 point
from each of the Law Society of Northern Ireland and the Bar Council for Northern Ireland.
Attendees will receive a copy of Judicial Review in Northern Ireland and light refreshments.
All profits generated after costs will be paid into student bursary funds in the School of Law.
If you would like to attend the seminar please fill in the form linked below:

Please return form by no later than Thursday 29 February 2024.

After registration on world pay and payment for this book launch please ensure that your dietary
information is completed in the additional link.


School of Law
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Event Organiser Details
Name Deaglan Coyle
Phone 02890973293