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Co-production with People Living with Dementia

The QUB Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Network, working in collaboration with colleagues in Ulster University (UU) and the Northern Ireland Public Health Research Network (NIPHRN), are hosting their first joint-QUB/UU PPI event.

Human brain figure
October 25, 2023
Online via Zoom
13:30 - 15:30

We invite you to join PPI contributors, working in collaboration with their colleagues from the QUB School of Nursing & Midwifery and the UU Intelligent Systems Research Centre, in discussing how technology and digital platforms are being used to enhance the lives of carers and people living with dementia.  

This webinar will include:  

  • Short presentations on research projects ongoing in Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University which have been co-designed and co-produced with people living with dementia and their carers. 
  • Demonstrations of some of the digital platforms which have been devised.  
  • Contributions from charity partners.   
  • Discussions with PPI contributors and researchers about their experiences working together and exploring how people with dementia can become involved in the research process.  

This webinar will take place via Zoom and the joining link will be sent to all registered delegates in advance.

If you have any questions about this event, please email or  

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