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Educational Process Factors for Effective Education in Resource-constrained Countries

Lanyon at sunrise
February 21, 2024
room 0G.026, 6 College Park, Queen's University Belfast
16:00 - 17:00

Educational Process Factors for Effective Education in Resource-constrained Countries: A Multilevel Analysis

Seminar 2 of 2 with: Dr Hamis Mugendawala, National Planning Authority-Government of Uganda 

Hamis Mugendawala and Daniel Muijs (Head of the School of SSESW) published in journal of School Effectiveness and School Improvement

All welcome! To attend, please register here.

Earlier studies of educational effectiveness in resource-constrained countries tended to focus on fiscal and material resources. However, the impact thereof can be limited where effective processes at the school and classroom levels are not present. Using hierarchical linear modelling, this study draws on SACMEQ data to generate an effective education model for resource-constrained countries, using Uganda as a case study. Rasch modelling was used to construct the educational process indicators, and the dynamic model of educational effectiveness provided the basis for the conceptual framework used. On adjusting for confounding variables, the factors that significantly predicted both mathematics and reading outcomes included opportunity to learn (OTL), school management competences, school–community relationships, and school-based HIV/AIDS support. The effect of teacher academic and professional capital (TAPC) was mediated by OTL. The study argues for refocused attention on the school and teaching processes as key to enhancing educational effectiveness in resource-constrained countries.

Hamis is a Ugandan Education Economist, a social sector planner, and a Prince2 certified project management professional. He has trained and worked in Africa, Europe and America (USA). He holds a PhD in Educational Economics Planning and Policy from the University of Southampton, UK; an MA in Educational Planning, Economics and International Development of the Institute of Education, University College London; an Msc in Accounting and Finance of Makerere University. Currently, Hamis heads Policy Research and Innovation at the National Planning Authority-Government of Uganda where he has undertaken numerous programme/project and policy evaluations, groundbreaking research studies and strategy development.

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
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