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Film and Q&A: Resistance to Ecoviolence in the Amazon

This event will involve a screening of the documentary film 'We Fight for This Land: Quilombola and Ka’apor Resistance in the Amazon' followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session to further explore the themes of the film.

Mitchell Institute October film screening
October 23, 2024
Queen’s Film Theatre, 21 University Square, Belfast
14:00 - 16:00

The documentary film follows the lives of two communities in the Amazon state of Maranhão, Brazil, who are resisting ecoviolence and attempting to retain their traditional, and more sustainable, life systems.  The Quilombola community - descendants of escaped slaves - in Boa Hora3/Manorama have been living off the land for generations.  The Ka’apor Indigenous community have been resisting settler violence since the beginning of colonisation.


  • Nyara Khaly Silva Sanfo, Coalition Coordinator of the UN Anti Racism Coalition (UNARC); an Afro-Brazilian researcher in international relations, investigating the intersectionalities of race and gender;
  • Siobhán Wills, Director, Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University and Co-Director of the film;
  • Professor Cahal McLaughlin, School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen’s University Belfast and Mitchell Institute Fellow: Legacy; Co-Director of the film.

This event is hosted in partnership with the Centre for Documentary Research, Queen's University Belfast.

Event type
The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
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