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Event Listings

Irish Mathematical Society Annual Lecture

December 18, 2023
Maths & Physics Teaching Centre (MAPTC) Room 0G:017
15:30 - 17:00

The School of Maths & Physics is delighted to welcome Emeritus Professor Cho-Ho Chu from Queen Mary University of London who will deliver the Irish Mathematical Society's Annual lecture, this year entitled 'JORDAN ALGEBRAS & GEOMETRY'.

All interested staff & students are welcome! Please indicate your attendance by completing this MS Form.

Professor Chu is an internationally renowned expert on the theory of Jordan algebras. He is the author of four monographs and over 100 peer-reviewed papers. In his lecture he will explain the concept of Jordan algebras and their close connection with geometry. Since the introduction of Jordan algebras in quantum formalism by Jordan, von Neumann and Wigner in 1934, unexpected applications of these algebras have been found in many areas of mathematics. In particular, he will introduce an approach using Jordan theory to the classification of Hermitian symmetric manifolds, which play an important role in geometry and have been classified by E. Cartan using Lie theory.

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