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LECTURE: Commutativity and Orthogonality of Similarity Orbits in Banach Algebras

Staff are invited to a public lecture on 'Commutativity and Orthogonality of Similarity Orbits in Banach Algebras', given by Dr Francois Schulz (University of Johannesburg).

School of Physics, Lanyon South
March 25, 2024
Mathematics and Physics Teaching Centre, room 0G.005
16:00 - 17:30

This lecture – part of Dr Schulz's UK lecture tour, funded by the London Mathematical Society – will be hosted by Professor Martin Mathieu (School of Mathematics and Physics) as part of the School's weekly colloquium.

For further information, contact Professor Mathieu at

Spectral theory is a subdiscipline of Functional Analysis which uses generalised eigenvalues of bounded linear operators to describe phenomena in infinite-dimensional spaces. The correct setting for this theory is the concept of a Banach algebra which extends the notion of an algebra of matrices. In this lecture, which will be accessible to a general audience, Dr. Schulz will explore when the similarity orbits of two Banach algebra elements commute with each other which, amongst others, leads to generalisations of well-known classical results by Zemanek.

School of Mathematics and Physics
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Event Organiser Details
Name Professor Martin Mathieu
School of Physics, Lanyon South