The Centre for Public Health is pleased to invite all to attend a seminar with Assistant Professor Jordan Neil and Professor Janice Krieger.
- Date(s)
- March 19, 2024
- Location
- CPH Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, ICSB and online via MS Teams
- Time
- 13:00 - 14:00
The seminar will focus on research in progress, examining the opportunities and challenges of using virtual community health workers to address cultural, linguistic, health literacy, and geographic diversity in meeting cancer prevention and survivorship needs of patients and communities.
Please contact for the MS Teams link to this seminar.
Dr. Jordan Neil specializes in translational cancer communication science, which uses
communication-centered strategies to translate evidence-based cancer prevention behaviors into
practice among communities. His research focuses on how to improve uptake of tobacco
cessation services and colorectal and lung cancer screening, as well as participation rates in
cancer clinical trials. To do so, Dr. Neil leverages mixed methods and adaptive trial designs to
develop, evaluate, and optimize digital interventions, with particular interest in disseminating
tailored navigation strategies to meet the needs of rural and underserved patient populations.
Dr. Janice Krieger (PhD, Penn State University) is Professor of Clinical Translational Science at MayoClinic, Florida. She is a communication scientist with expertise in developing, implementing, and evaluatingculturally tailored interventions that utilize precision messaging techniques to increase cancer health equity.Her research uses principles of communication science to improve translation of basic and clinical researchto address patient, family, and community needs to examine how communication science can ensure allpopulations receive the right messages at the right time in the patient journey. Dr. Krieger is PI or contact PIof three large NIH-funded clinical trials that utilize communication theory and technology to improve accessto and quality of clinical care, ranging from screening to survivorship. She also serves as Associate Directorof Community Outreach and Engagement at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCCC) Floridaand co-leader of the Prevention, Survivorship, and Care Delivery Research Program within the MCCCC.
- Event type
- Workshop / Seminar / Course
- Department
Centre for Public Health
- Audience
- All
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