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Managing Allergies at Christmas

Struggling with allergies at Christmas?

Allergy act webinar banner advertising Christmas allergy event
December 14, 2023
19:00 - 20:00

Join the Allergy Act x Queen’s University Webinar, "Managing Allergies at Christmas," where we will delve into practical strategies and patient insights to ensure a safer and more joyful celebration during the holiday season.

This informative session will cover a range of topics, including understanding common allergy risks during the festive period, hidden allergens in festive food & drinks, decorating safely, and fostering inclusivity for individuals with allergies.

We’ll share valuable tips and answer questions, providing you with the knowledge to make this Christmas season a truly festive and allergen-aware celebration.

Who Should Attend:

  • Individuals with allergic disease (food allergies, seasonal allergies, food hypersensitivities, skin allergies, drug allergies, product/cosmetic allergies/insect sting/animal allergies, latex allergies, asthma etc.)
  • Parents and caregivers of children with allergic disease
  • Anyone interested in understanding and managing allergic disease

Sign up to secure your spot as spaces are limited:

Event type
Information Event
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