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Postdoc Showcase 2023: Creating Impact through Collaboration

Discover how interdisciplinary collaboration can drive meaningful outcomes and create impact across various domains. (Registration now closed)

September 29, 2023
The Whitla Hall, Queen's University Belfast
09:00 - 18:00


*Registration for this event closed on 18th September*

The Postdoc Society are delighted to announce the return of the Queen's Postdoc Showcase in celebration of Postdocs and Research Staff. The theme of this year's event is “Creating Impact Through Collaboration”. Discover how interdisciplinary collaboration can drive meaningful outcomes and create impact across various domains.

This is an event organised 'by postdocs, for postdocs', and an opportunity for all research staff at Queen's to showcase their research, learn about others' research, and network (including over drinks at the end!).

The programme will feature keynote talks by invited speakers, a research poster/display exhibition, short talks by selected postdocs, and the winners of the PDC Postdoc Awards will be announced. There will be prizes for the best talks and posters and all selected speakers will be offered an opportunity to get a professional portrait picture taken by a photographer.

The research talks will align with the University's research strategies that are conducted across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and will be pitched to a wide audience, to enable researchers across different disciplines to understand and enjoy them. This clearly demonstrates how researchers work together to help achieve the SDGs, as actions in one area can affect outcomes in other research areas. Therefore, collaborative research can help maximise the impact that research has on society.

Together, let's foster impactful collaborations and advance sustainable development. Register now for an enriching conference experience!


09:00 - 09:30 | Registration (Tea, Coffee & Pastries)

09:30 - 09:45 | Welcome

      • Dr Danielle Logan & Dr Alex Lucas | Postdoc Society Co-Chairs
      • Professor Stuart Elborn | Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor

09:45 - 10:15 | Professor Michael Alcorn | Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Sustainability and Special Projects

10:15 - 11:45 | Panel Discussion: Creating Impact through Collaboration

      • Professor David Grieve | Dean of Internationalisation at QUB
      • Dr Danielle McCarthy | Chief Health Officer at Spoon Guru, Co-Founder of Nutrition Talent and Professor of Practice at QUB
      • Dr Maelíosa McCrudden |  Research Impact and Engagement Officer at QUB
      • Dr Neil Galway | Director of Postgraduate Studies in Planning at QUB, expert in planning for inclusive places
      • Dr Karen Beattie | Head of the Office of Research Ethics Northern Ireland

11:45 - 13:15 | Lunch & Posters

13:15 - 14:30 | Flash Talks: Session 1

14:30 - 15:00 | Break (Afternoon Tea)

15:00 - 16:00 | Flash Talks: Session 2

16:00 - 16:20 | PDC Postdoc Awards

16:20 - 16:40 | Showcase Prize-giving & Closing Remarks

16:40 - 18:00 | Drinks Reception


How to take part

Attend the Showcase

To attend, please register via the main red registration button at the top of this page. Everyone at Queen's is welcome to attend but only research staff (including postdocs and research assistants etc.) can submit an abstract.

Submit your Profile

Participating research staff can opt to have a short profile shared with the wider research community. Profiles will be displayed on-screen during the event, as well as shared on the PDC website and on Twitter during National Postdoc Appreciation Week. Each short profile should include your name, a short sentence defining the overall aim or impact of your research, one or two hobbies, your country of origin and a profile picture.

You can submit your profile directly via the registration form for the showcase (similarly to registration, deadline for profile submission is 18/09/23). 

Submit an abstract to present a poster/display or give a talk

Applications for presentations and poster abstracts are now closed!

The registration form can only be completed once; if you registered previously and would now like to submit a poster abstract, please send your abstract by email to no later than 8 September.

About Abstracts:

The audience at the showcase will include research staff from the many schools at Queen's. You thus need to pitch your research like you would to the public, avoiding jargon. We encourage speakers to distil the essence of their research and highlight links to the SDGs. For example, someone researching literature should be able to understand and enjoy the presentation from a researcher in chemistry and vice-versa. Abstracts should meet this level of accessibility.

Abstracts will also be selected based on the following:

  1. Significance and Impact: Highlight the potential impact of your research and its contribution to your field / SDG. Discuss how it addresses real-world challenges, offers practical applications, or informs decision-making.
  2. Methodology Description: Concisely describe your research methodology, including tools, techniques, and data sources. Showcase the integration of different perspectives and methodologies to address complex problems.
  3. Clarity and Organisation: Write a clear and well-organised abstract that is easily understandable. Articulate your research's key points and main arguments, ensuring that the conclusion aligns with the presented results or outcomes.
  4. Overall Quality: Maintain high coherence, significance, and engagement in your abstract. Adhere to the conference's guidelines for abstract length, formatting, and submission deadlines.

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and should be submitted online at the time of registration.

You can indicate your preference for a poster/display or oral presentation when submitting your abstract.


Presentations will be expected to be accessible as highlighted above (think about presentations such as TED talks and 3-minute thesis presentations). Depending on the abstract received, talks may be for 5 or 10 minutes.

The Postdoc Society committee will review presentation abstracts and select the maximum number to fit the allocated time slots, ensuring that a diverse range of research is covered.  Presenters will be selected based on the quality of their abstract, especially its accessibility to a wide audience. Presenting a talk requires submitting an abstract (see section above).

Posters / Display:

Posters or displays (e.g. image, object...) will be on show all day, with an interactive session over lunchtime. Presenters will only be required to stand with their posters or at their display during the interactive lunchtime session, but you will still have time to get your lunch. Presenting a poster or display requires submitting an abstract (see section above).

Attendees can submit posters they have already used for other conferences. We understand that such posters may be pitched at specialists, but your abstract shouldn't. If you require a table to place your visual display on, please inform us during online registration and we can make sure this is provided.

Poster dimensions: Poster boards are size 4ft x 4ft and posters can be any size up to A0 maximum.

Postdoctoral Development Centre
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