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Social care in the Four Nations of the UK - between two paradigms

tiered seating leading up to a stage
January 31, 2024
The Lab (6th Floor) Mac Theatre,10 Exchange Street West, Belfast, BT1 2NJ
15:00 - 16:30

In the 25 years since devolution passed to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, key differences have emerged in the way that the UK’s four systems are grappling with how to meet the growing need for care within the context of stretched budgets and a shrinking workforce.

In this talk, Professor Catherine Needham (University of Birmingham, School of Social Policy) will present findings from a new book Social Care in the UK’s Four Nations - Between Two Paradigms to explore differences between jurisdictions, and what impact the differences are having. Drawing on extensive interviews with national and local policy makers across the UK, the research raises vital questions about the role of ‘standardisation’ and ‘differentiation’ as approaches to solving the social care crisis.

The event is free, but places must be booked here in advance. Refreshments will be served from 2.30.

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
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