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Tell your research story: Using Lego

Have you ever thought of communicating complex research ideas with Lego?

September 20, 2024
Graduate School (TR2)
13:30 - 15:30

Join Dr Abbie Edgar for an informal session to engage in hands-on Lego building activities, network over lunch with other PhD students and use Lego to communicate key elements of your research:

  • Create visual representations of data
  • Build interactive models that illustrate key findings
  • Communicate your research in a creative and memorable way.

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your research communication skills while having fun with Lego!

Meet the consultant: Dr Abbie Edgar

Abbie supports postgraduate students with their research development and is passionate about enabling them to reach their academic potential. Abbie has a PhD in Education and is a trained post-primary teacher.

Abbie's previous experience before taking up her role at the Graduate School included supporting undergraduate students with their academic skills in the Learning Development Service at QUB, working as a Support Provider for students with disabilities at QUB and as an Associate Lecturer at the Open University.

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