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Transatlantic Peacemaking Conference 2024

October 4, 2024
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin
09:50 - 17:15

Transatlantic peacemaking: The role of the United States in making and sustaining peace in Ireland, north and south

As Ireland celebrates a century of diplomatic ties with the United States, three former Queen's Colleges in Ireland -University of Galway, Queen's University Belfast, and University College Cork - in partnership with the Irish Institute of Boston College are coming together to examine US-Ireland relations. This all-island and transatlantic institutional collaboration focuses specifically on the United States' historic and current contributions to peacebuilding and reconciliation on the island of Ireland, north and south. It will also address the potential future role of the US, especially in light of the upcoming 2024 US Presidential election, and particularly as it relates to safeguarding the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement and supporting relations between the UK, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the EU. With contributions from a distinguished lineup of academic speakers and policy practitioners, this timely event will carefully examine and analyse one of the island of Ireland’s most important diplomatic relationships.

“Even the recent challenges of Brexit have shown the continued importance of the US in preserving peace on the island of Ireland. This conference provides an ideal opportunity to review that role and to consider future relationships between the island and the US in an ever more uncertain world.”

Dr Peter McLoughlin, HAPP Director of Internationalisation and co-organiser of the event.


School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
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