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Event Listings

Understanding the Power of Data

NI Chamber and its International Champion, Queen’s University Belfast, invite you to join a breakfast event focused on the ‘power of data’ on Wednesday 18 October.

Julie McCandless
October 18, 2023
Queen's Business School, Riddel Hall, 185 Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5EE
09:00 - 11:30
£0 for Members, £50 for Non-members

This event will explore the importance of data in business, outlining how companies can effectively leverage data to enhance performance and unlock actionable insights to drive business growth. 

Professor Julie McCandless, Professor of Practice and Dr. Byron Graham, Senior Lecturer from Queen’s Business School will discuss: 

  • What is meant by data and analytics 
  • The different stages of data maturity, including KPIs, dashboards and predictive analysis 
  • How to use data to drive performance 
  • Ways to build a data-driven strategy 

Attendees will also hear from Louise Skeath, CEO at SDG, who will share the challenges and experiences faced in creating and implementing a data-driven strategy. 

Delegates will also have the opportunity to share experiences and learn from other businesses during a roundtable discussion. 

Who is this event for? 

SMEs at the beginning of their data journey or those who have ambitions to utilise their data effectively as well as finance managers, IT managers, those in marketing or business development roles, MDs and CEOs. 

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