Supervisor Training
PhD student supervision is a core academic responsibility, requiring expertise in both teaching and research.
Supervisory training forms part of the probationary requirements for new research supervisors.
Quality supervision is key to the successful partnership between supervisor and candidate, leading to a successful outcome to the research project.
To help new supervisors navigate the supervisory journey, training is offered three times per year.
The training is delivered in two parts. The first part looks at the processes and policies with presenations and discussions from each support team within the Univerity to help gain the necessary understanding of the University’s process, ethics, the qsis life cycle and student wellbeing.
Part 1 -Introduction to research supervision
Understand your role as a supervisor: expectations and duties
- Know where to go for advice and guidance on superviory issues
Provide an introduction to the different administrative requirements of the role
Part 2 - Professional discussion
The second part enables supervisors to reflect on good practice. Considerations include to:
Reflect on best practice to guide students successfully and on how to avoid pitfalls
Have an awareness of the range of sources of support available to you as a supervisor
Consider a range of approaches to supervising
Supporting students through challenges they face
Supervisors and students are required to record and agree actions on their formal meetings. This will help resolve any misunderstandings which may arise. There should be a minimum of 6 and preferably 10 per year for a full time candidate.
Supervisor Training
The Graduate School offer Supervisory training for new staff in Nov, Feb and May each year. You can book a place on Itrent
Access to Vitae resources on supervision are available through QUB subscription using your QUB email address.
Hugh Kearns, an academic who delivers training on supervision has developed a website with free resources and downloadable templates. Hugh visits Queen’s on a yearly basis and delivers one of the supervisory training sessions.
Under the Directorate of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) webpages you will find a range of resources and guidance for you to use.
The following webpages will provide you with advice on policies and procedures related to ethics and integrity.
Supervisors and students are required to record and agree actions on their formal meetings. This will help resolve any misunderstandings which may arise. There should be a minimum of 6 and preferably 10 per year for a full time candidate. Guidelines on how to monitor and maintain student’s records are available here.