Students & Guests with Disabilities

Queen's University is committed to supporting students and their guests with disabilities and we will endeavour to meet their individual needs when they attend graduation ceremonies.
Support for disabled students and guests
When you are registering for graduation, you will be given the opportunity to provide relevant information regarding you or your guests access requirements. The Sir William Whitla Hall has Wheelchair access, but no lift to the upper gallery seats. Where we have knowledge of access issues, we will ensure floor tickets are issued.
We ask that you provide as much information as possible so we can assist you and your guests on your graduation day or when you are collecting your gown as per your graduation invoice/reference page instructions.
More information about graduation registration
Hearing and sight impairment
For graduands and guests with hearing difficulties, an induction loop system has been installed in the Sir William Whitla Hall, covering the ground floor and the front rows of the balcony. Should you require a hearing loop please contact our Eventus team on as soon as possible.
Guide dogs are welcome on the University campus and in the Hall.
If you have omitted any information on your Graduation Registration page regarding access or communication requirements, please contact the Graduation Helpline as soon as possible prior to your graduation to ensure that the suitable arrangements can be put in place for you and your guests.
Disabled/mobility car access is permitted on the day of your ceremony to enable graduands/guests to alight from vehicles as close to the hall as possible. Disabled/mobility car parking spaces may also be available on a first come first served basis on the campus, however, please note that car parking is limited during the busy graduation period.
Externally charged car parking is also available close to the campus during the graduation period, also on a first come first served basis.
For more information on disabled/mobility car access and parking spaces please visit Location & Parking
- For queries regarding parking contact Security: 028 9097 5099
- For queries regarding Graduation contact the Graduation Helpline: 028 9097 3223 or email