Queen’s student named UK Female Undergraduate of the Year
A Queen's University Belfast Mechanical Engineering student, Judith Cameron, has won the UK Female Undergraduate of the Year award.

The TARGETjobs Undergraduate of the Year Awards is an annual competition to identify and celebrate the UK's best undergraduates.
Judith, from Larne, County Antrim, is a Master’s student at Queen’s and is currently on a year-long placement with the Research and Development project management team at Stryker Belfast.
Judith faced tough competition to be awarded the prestigious prize of Female Undergraduate of the Year, which is sponsored by Rolls-Royce. Judith has secured a placement with Rolls-Royce as part of her prize.
The final shortlist of ten students for each award were invited to the awards ceremony in London in April, where the winners were announced.
Judith said: “The Undergraduate of the Year Awards has been an incredible opportunity that I am so grateful to have participated in. The process was tough but provides presentation and interview practice, teaches you a lot about your strengths and weaknesses, and allows you to network at a very high level within the sponsor company.
“I made friends with other candidates, who are all amazingly accomplished, and I am now looking forward to a summer at Rolls-Royce in Derby.”
In the summer of 2017, Judith studied at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in China, and in 2018, she returned to showcase a group project at an exhibition in Tianjin.
Judith was also selected as one of the Royal Academy of Engineering Leadership Scholars in 2018.
Outside of work and study, Judith has participated in business programmes; language classes; and coding courses, alongside a busy university rowing schedule.
Dr Trevor Robinson, from the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Queen’s, added: “Judith is a great example of the high quality students we have in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She is always positive, enthusiastic and ready for a challenge.
“Judith thoroughly deserves this award and I am sure she will do really well on placement with Rolls-Royce.”
Media inquiries to Jemma Greenlees at Queen’s University Communications Office T; +44 (0)28 9097 3087 E; j.greenlees@qub.ac.uk.