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Queen’s hosted an online 'In Conversation' event with Jonathan Powell

Public Engagement at Queen’s University Belfast hosted Jonathan Powell, CEO of Inter Mediate, for a virtual ‘in conversation’ event with Professor Richard English.

Jonathan Powell event 190521
Pictured L-R are Professor Richard English, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation and Engagement at Queen's and Jonathan Powell.

The discussion involved a wide range of topics including the future of the UK, including referendum debates; constitutional questions; Brexit and its current condition; the conflict in the Middle East, drawing comparisons with NI; conflict mediation; and the role of the UK in global politics.

Jonathan Powell founded the charity, Inter Mediate, in 2011 to work on conflict resolution around the world.  He was a British diplomat from 1979 to 1996, Chief of Staff to Tony Blair from 1997 to 2007, and the chief British government negotiator on Northern Ireland during that time in office.  He is an Honorary Professor of The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Queen’s.

Mr Powell gave his views on a range of issues including the impact of Brexit on the political and constitutional status of Northern Ireland and on changing support for British political parties.

The discussion was chaired by Professor Richard English, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation and Engagement, Professor of Politics, and Distinguished Professorial Fellow in The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.

The event was streamed live from the Great Hall at Queen’s to an online audience and is available to watch again here.

