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Queen's launches ‘Vision for a Sustainable Future’ Schools Challenge

Queen’s Management School has launched a new sustainability-related challenge for schools in collaboration with the Linen Quarter Business Improvement District (BID).

The initiative calls upon young people in Years 8 and 9 from across Northern Ireland to help raise awareness of climate change by creating a poster, comic strip, or collage featuring their ‘Vision for a Sustainable Future’. The challenge forms part of the broader Linen Quarter Re[act] Festival and is aligned with the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which takes place in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November 2021.

Professor Patrick McCole, Interim Head of Queen’s Management School, said: "The School has a longstanding commitment to promoting responsible management and advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals within the context of business. As the UK hosts COP 26, along with our partners in the Linen Quarter BID, we felt it was vital to engage with young people around the themes of climate change and sustainability."

Entries can be on an individual or group basis, with first, second and third prizes awarded in each category. Following the challenge, winning submissions will be showcased in a virtual gallery. The closing date for submissions is Friday 12 November 2021 at 5pm. Further details available from the Queen’s Management School website.

For further information on our work related to sustainability and climate change, please visit our website or contact our Director of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability, Dr Laura Steele at 

This event is kindly supported by the Queen’s University Green Fund.
