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Queen's welcomes #ResetForGrowth report

Queen’s University Belfast has welcomed the publication of the #ResetForGrowth report which details forward-looking, pragmatic proposals for Northern Ireland and Belfast to reset how prosperity and growth is delivered.

Lanyon Building at Queen's University Belfast

The Report, published by the Belfast Innovation and Inclusive Growth Commission which comprises a variety of key organisations including the University, stresses that urgent and radical action is needed to turn around Northern Ireland’s struggling economy and deliver better future opportunities for people living here. It sets out a range of propositions on housing, reshaping Belfast city and looking at new ways to develop skills and retrain for future jobs. 

The propositions are designed to amplify the city and region’s future success under four focused action areas:  

  • More globally relevant – Belfast and the region needs to up its game in supporting trade and investment successes.  The opportunity exists for the region to punch well above its weight, but it must seize it. 
  • Immediate action on climate change and turning this into an economic opportunity – the report recommends starting with retrofitting homes across the region and decarbonising transport to reduce demand on fossil fuels, with a target for Belfast to be Carbon Neutral by 2050.   The Commission also believes that Belfast needs to grow its GreenTech industries at pace.  
  • Housing development – Housing development needs to sit at the core of the city’s renewal plans. The provision, quality and affordability of housing is a key ingredient to a city’s attractiveness as well as offering a significant economic benefit.  
  • Stronger core city – Belfast and other economic hubs need investment to bounce back from Covid-19 and other underlying economic and social challenges if they are to drive the region’s recovery.    
  • A laser focus on building world-renowned business clusters – through large scale investment in research and innovation and developing capability and talent. 

Find out more about the Report here
