Queen’s Partnership empowers local youth
A well established Youth Leadership course has just been accredited at Queen’s in partnership with North Belfast cross community youth organisation R-CITY and Foróige Leadership for Life Programme.

The two-year programme will enable 45 young people from Ardoyne and the Shankill to develop the skills and qualities necessary to be inspiring leaders, and the accreditation means that they will gain CATs points which will serve as a good foundation for future study.
Queen’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation, Professor Margaret Topping welcomed the accreditation saying: “We are delighted to announce the partnership with Foróige, R-CITY and the Open Learning Programme at Queen’s University.
“Education is all about empowering people to develop new skills and to make a difference to our community and our world. It’s important that we recognise these skills can be learned in a range of ways and that Youth Leadership courses such as this will enable young people to be in a position to make positive changes in their community through practical actions and projects.”
Foróige CEO, Seán Campbell said: "Foróige is honoured to enter into partnership with Queen's University and R-CITY CIC to ensure that young people in Belfast have access to the Foróige Leadership for Life Programme. This landmark partnership will support the emergence of young leaders in Belfast and give them the opportunity to develop the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century."
Alan Waite of R-CITY said: “Exciting times for R-CITY and the young people across our communities as we launch the amazing Foróige Leadership for Life Programme which has and continues to inspire the next generation of young leaders. Thanks to Queen’s University and their overwhelming commitment to make positive change for youth, we are now announcing this ground-breaking project that will impact the future of many.”
According to Youth Support Worker Donovan Evitt: “From completing my Foróige qualification, this experience encouraged me to use what I had learned and the skills I gained to progress onto the Impact Global project through Queen’s University. These opportunities have inspired me to further my education and work towards my career as Youth Support Worker, where I hope to deliver the same projects and experiences to our new R-CITY participants.”
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