On way to One Million Trees for Belfast
A total of 500 native saplings have been planted as part of the One Million Trees for Belfast initiative.

The majority of saplings started life as acorns collected from Belvoir Forest and cared for by local residents and The Conservation Volunteers at Lennoxvale Tree Nursery. The nursery formed in 2019 on a vacant brown field site within Queen’s Campus.
Along with 400 saplings provided by Lennoxvale Tree Nursery and 100 from the Grounds and Garden Team at Queen’s, the trees have now been replanted at Malone Playing Fields.
Speaking about the initiative, Head of Sustainability at Queen’s Sara Lynch said: “This tree planning event is part of a range of ‘Nurture and Grow’ initiatives undertaken by Queen’s to enhance biodiversity within South Belfast, whilst bringing together staff, students and the local community.
We are committed to enhancing urban green spaces to help create a healthier and more sustainable society, and will continue to work in partnership with our community to build relations, tackle climate change and contribute to projects designed to benefit the whole of the city.”
Belfast City Council Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Michelle Kelly lent a hand to plant the trees into their new home alongside Queen’s staff, students and residents of nearby Sans Souci Residents Association.
Cllr Kelly said: ” “I was delighted to join staff and students at Queen’s University to witness their continued participation in Belfast’s One Million Trees initiative. Within Council, we are committed to the protection of future generations to come, to enhance and promote our climate agenda and to ensure that we continue to engage with our city partners as we strive towards planting one million trees across the city by 2035.”
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