Queen’s moves forward with divestment process
This follows the University’s recent pledge to cut ties with Israeli companies and companies on the UN blacklist following negotiations with stakeholders including the Students’ Union and Trade Unions.

Queen’s University Belfast's process to divest from companies listed by the UN Human Rights Council is progressing, which will result in a total divestment of around £800,000.
This follows the University’s recent pledge to cut ties with Israeli companies and companies on the UN blacklist following negotiations with stakeholders including the Students’ Union and Trade Unions.
Although Queen’s does not hold any direct investments in Israel or companies on the UN blacklist, there are a number of indirect investments made through managed fund products.
The University will be divesting approximately £800,000 from its managed portfolio including an estimated £170,000 relating to shares or securities listed in Israel and a further £630,000 for non-Israeli companies listed on the UN blacklist.
Queen’s University President and Vice Chancellor Professor Sir Ian Greer said:
“It is important that we move forward with our divestment policy as part of our ongoing commitment to responsible investment. As a civic university, we believe that our financial decisions can and should reflect our commitment to making a positive impact on society.
“It is important that the student role is part of our overall decision-making structures and governance. We listened to our students following last year’s Student’s Union referendum and updated the University’s Responsible Investment Policy, which we will continue to review on an ongoing basis.”
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