Over 80 US students take part in the annual AHSS International Summer School
As part of the annual AHSS Summer School 81 students from the US were introduced to the history, culture, and politics of Northern Ireland through academic sessions, engaging with local people, and visiting a range of historical and cultural sites.

The annual Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHSS) Summer School took place at Queen’s over a three week period, from 17 June – 5 July 2024.
Some of the students were from Arizona State University, Belmont University (Nashville), and the University of Massachusetts Lowell, as well as a number of students who applied directly as individuals.
All students took part in a range of social and cultural programmes which included visits to Derry/Londonderry, the North Coast, and a traditional Irish and Scottish céilí/céilidh (a gathering that usually involves dancing).
The Summer School culminated in a farewell event at Belfast City Hall with the newly appointed Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Andrew McCormick, where the students were presented with their certificates of completion by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of AHSS at Queen’s, Professor Nola Hewitt-Dundas.
Deputy Lord Mayor said: “It’s wonderful to welcome these international students to Belfast City Hall this evening as they conclude an intensive three-week summer school with Queen’s University Belfast, immersing themselves in our city’s culture, history and progress. And what better time to visit, as we roll out our biggest ever city-wide celebration of creativity, Belfast 2024.
“As civic leader, we strive to promote Belfast as a destination of choice to visit, study, live, work and invest, at every opportunity. I very much hope that these young people return home as ambassadors for Belfast, and consider returning to study, explore, find a job, or even set up home here in the future.”
Professor Hewitt-Dundas commented: “I am delighted that we were able to welcome and host so many students from the US to the annual Summer School and give them a taster of what Queen’s and Northern Ireland has to offer as a creative, diverse, and exciting place to live, study, and work.
“The Summer School enables students to develop competencies to support their future lives and careers, and contribute to their own local communities and wider society.
“We hope to welcome back many of these students to Queen’s in the near future.”
Amongst the group were five students who were awarded scholarships to attend through the prestigious Fulbright UK Summer Institutes programme.
Fulbright award recipient, Mara Lewis: “My time at Queen’s has been truly transformative. This programme marked my first time leaving the United States, and through it, I have met so many incredible people and have engaged with Northern Ireland and its history. The murals, memorials, and walls keep Belfast’s history alive, and I feel so grateful to have been able to learn and see how, despite a divided past, Northern Ireland is building a peaceful future.”
Fulbright award recipient, Jonah Espinoza: "Having lived in San Antonio, Texas, my entire life, being part of the Summer Institute programme at Queen’s has been a profoundly transformational experience, granting me an enhanced ability to evaluate issues such as identity and intergroup relations through an international lens.
"This is not only due to the excellence of the faculty and the rigorous pursuit of a comprehensive education but also the rich culture and history of Belfast. I particularly enjoyed the programme’s emphasis on experiential learning, where we gained interdisciplinary perspectives on Northern Ireland's unique history while exploring beyond the classroom and engaging with community leaders and spaces."
Media enquiries to Zara McBrearty at Queen's Communications Office on email: z.mcbrearty@qub.ac.uk