Dr Chris Colvin
Reader in Economic History at Queen's Business School
Queen's Business School
Chris Colvin combines economics and history to better understand the performance of firms, industries, economies and societies.
Specifically Dr Colvin’s expertise is thinking through the short, medium and long term consequences, given the lessons from history.
Economic History EconomicsAreas of Expertise
economic history; financial history; business history; banking crises; health crises; patents and innovation; economic policymaking process; pedagogical reform
Media Experience
Television interviews (live)
Radio interviews (live and prerecorded)
Newspaper commentary
Podcast interviewee
Notable coverage
- What lessons can history teach us about food security?, RTÉ Brainstorm (9 June 2022)
- Famines: what 20th century food crises tell us about how to cope with the Ukraine fallout, The Conversation, (31 March 2022)
- Covid-19: How Northern Ireland has fared better than the Republic of Ireland, Irish Times (16 September 2020)
- The slow recovery after the combined shock of Spanish flu and the first world war, The Anthill Podcast, The Conversation (17 June 2020)
- How to measure the demographic impact of a pandemic, RTÉ Brainstorm (19 June 2020)
- Does the Spanish flu offer lessons in how to tackle a pandemic?, The Economics Observatory (24 May 2020)
- Economic lessons from pandemics past, In Business, BBC Radio 4 (23 April 2020)
- Coronavirus and Spanish flu: economic lessons to learn from the last truly global pandemic, The Conversation, (11 March 2020)
Associated Research Centres / Projects

Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk
Academic Profile