Latest research details the environmental risks of invasive species
Dr Ross Cuthbert explores the growing environmental problem that threatens ecosystems, human health, and the economy.
Invasive species are a growing environmental problem worldwide that threatens ecosystems, human health, and the economy. Research at Queen's is at the forefront of this field, by predicting future invasions, quantifying their impacts, and testing new and innovative management approaches. Dr Ross Cuthbert, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the School of Biological Sciences, explains more.
“Biological invasions have emerged as a major Global Environmental change. As the world has become more interconnected we've been moving species farther, faster and in higher numbers than ever before. In the last 100 years, tens of thousands of non-native species have established globally. Some of these invading populations have severe impacts.”
“Research at queens has found that there is not enough investment in preventative approaches such as bio security early detection and rapid response but there is hope. At queens we’re developing new approaches to manage biological invasions and to predict which species will have high impacts in the future.”