Leverhulme Trust Visit to Queen’s University
On Wednesday 15 November a senior delegation from the Leverhulme Trust visited Queen’s to outline funding possibilities within the various grant and fellowship schemes offered by the Trust, and review some of the projects that have, and are currently being, funded.
Of particular interest to the delegation was the work of the Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Algorithmic Solutions (LINAS), the Doctoral Training Programme funded by the Trust and based in the Mitchell Institute. This programme, which over its lifetime will provide both funding and training for 30 doctoral scholars, works on the interface of technology and issues of social justice with interdisciplinary teams from across the University supervising a series of PhD projects.
Professor John Morison gave a presentation on the various activities of LINAS and was joined by two of the Doctoral Scholars, David Mark and Jessica Barr, who provided a student-oriented perspective on how their work benefits from its interdisciplinary framework.
More than a dozen other LINAS Scholars, a number of academic members of the LINAS team and Scholars from the earlier Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network of Cyber Security (LINCS) Doctoral Training Programme, discussed their work informally over lunch with the Leverhulme team.
Katharyn Lanaro from the Trust expressed appreciation to the Doctoral Scholars for sharing their thoughts and experiences and remarked on the great work being carried out and the enthusiasm of the Doctoral Scholars.