Teaching the art of compassionate inquiry: involving survivors from 9/11 in social work education
Professor Joe Duffy
Professor Joe Duffy, Institute Fellow: Legacy and Professor of Social Work and Inclusion, School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, was a Fulbright Scholar in the United States in 2018-19.
During this time, partnering with social work colleagues at New York University, Joe worked closely with survivors from the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City who helped social work students deepen their understanding of trauma perspectives.
This research is now published in Social Work Education - the International Journal.
The findings suggest that the involvement of those with direct and lived trauma experience in classroom teaching, whilst challenging, can yield positive impacts for students. The 9/11 survivors poignantly shared with students that their lives were changed forever in the aftermath of these events. The findings have potential global educational impact and resonance.
Read the article here.