Tyrrell Prize awarded to Angela Narbona Iranzo, MA student in Mitchell Institute

Institute Director Hastings Donnan presents The Dr and Mrs Tyrrell Prize for Conflict Transformation and Social Justice to Angela Narbona Iranzo for her dissertation entitled ‘Female Ex-combatants and the Sierra Leonean Disarmament, Demilitarisation and Reintegration Process (DDR)’. The ‘Tyrrell Prize’ is a one-off prize awarded to the Masters student who completes the best project that focuses on a conflict situation somewhere in the developing world.
Ms Angela Narbona Iranzo was a student on the MA in Conflict Transformation and Social Justice convened by the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.
She is currently employed by NI Alternatives to work on restorative practices in secondary schools in North Belfast: http://www.alternativesrj.org/street-by-street/