New Romantics: Performing Ireland and Cosmopolitanism on the Anniversary of Human Rights
Supported by the QUB AHSS Faculty Research Initiatives Fund and the GIS EIRE

The conference will be held on 4-5 July in the year of the 230th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (26 August 1789). The conference asks in what ways a ‘Celtic Cosmopolitanism’ (Le Coadic, 2000; Wulff, 2008 and an ‘Irish Cosmopolitanism’ (Wulff, 2008; Pearson, 2017), emerging from humanist Enlightenment and Romantic traditions, inform human rights activism in contemporary theatre, performance, literature and the arts. The conference will explore how international contemporary frameworks of critical theory such as New Materialism relate to human rights activism and cosmopolitanism in Irish literature and performance within a wider European context and in what ways they continue, critique, or challenge humanist moral philosophy and enlightenment thought.
Dr Eva Urban (Queen’s University Belfast)
Dr Lisa FitzGerald (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)
- Professor Stephen Wilmer, Professor Emeritus of Drama (Trinity College Dublin)
- Dr Drew Milne, Judith E. Wilson Reader in Poetics (University of Cambridge)
- Paula McFetridge, Artistic Director (Kabosh Theatre Company, Belfast)
For further information and a list of topics, please click here.
The deadline for 200 words abstracts is 1 May 2019. Please Email your abstract to -