Series 3 - Episode 7
Speaking Up and Pushing Back – Is There Space for Civic Resistance in Afghanistan?
Building on our analysis of Taliban authoritarianism, we look at examples of Afghans in the country who have challenged Emirate policies and actions. We look at the strategies that Emirate critics have developed to criticise or push for change. There are multiple recent examples of Afghans standing up for their rights. Many of them are cautious, like the Paktia communities demanding their municipal taxes be spent on infrastructure maintenance. The longest running civic actions are the numerous ways in which Afghan women have found to demonstrate for the right to education, work and freedom. The Taliban have frequently declared that they will not tolerate even peaceful criticism of the Emirate. But Afghan civilians increasingly demand change. Many Afghan-watchers have assumed that successful civic action in Taliban run Afghanistan is impossible and all resistance to authoritarianism must be armed. The episode is an initial attempt to question that assumption and understand the options open to Afghans keen to exert agency and determine their fate. As they say. The future is not yet written…
Podcast produced by Colm Heatley.

Professor Michael Semple
Professor Michael Semple works on innovative approaches to peace-making and engagement with militant Islamic movements in Afghanistan and South Asia.