Bullying and Harassment Funder Reporting Requirements
"Quote From UKRI"
Many research funders, both UK and International, have terms and conditions associated with bullying and harassment reporting requirements.

Different funders may have different requirements for reporting in regard to this agenda. Some may require reporting at application and award stage, others at award stage only. Examples of disclosures which the University may be required to make to the funder include, but are not limited to:
- Any active formal disciplinary sanction for bullying and harassment.
- Initiation of formal investigation which contains bullying and harassment elements.
- Reporting of historical upheld allegations within a period defined by the funder.
- Scope
Reporting requirements applies specifically to those who participate in research funded activities. In this context participants in research may include:
- Grantholders
- Co-Investigators
- Sponsors and Supervisors
- Research Staff and consultants
- Students
- Fieldworkers
- Collaborators
- Sub-grantees and sub-contractors
- Funding Body Advisory Committee Members
- Sanctions for Non-Compliance
Funders reserve the right to apply sanctions to an individual, independent of any applied by the Host Institution, following an upheld allegation. The funder may:
- Send a letter of reprimand
- Remove the person from the affected grant(s)
- Withdraw funding from the grant holder
- Prohibit that individual from acting as a PhD supervisor for funder supported students
- Temporarily or permanently restrict them from future grant applications (or specific types of grant applications
- Require the individual to undertake workplace behaviour training
- Require the Host Institution to monitor future work including management of staff
Host Institution
Funders may apply sanctions to the Host Institution if they believe:
- They have failed to respond to a bullying and/or harassment complaint promptly and objectively.
- There has been Institutional-level failure to complete disciplinary procedures.
- There has been a serious Institutional-level failure to effectively ensure appropriate workplace conduct standards are observed.
Examples of these Institutional-level sanctions may include:
- Ongoing monitoring of the Host Institution’s policies and practices.
- Not accepting new grant applications from that Host Institution for a period of time.
- Restricting applications for specific grant types, e.g., not allowing participation in training programmes.
- Suspending funding to the Host Institution in extreme cases.
- Taking any further sanctions at its own discretion.
It should be noted that there is no uniform agreement among funders regarding what to report and at what stage. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to consult the individual funders’ policies and terms and conditions for further details regarding this.
Many funders also request that outside appropriate internal Bullying and Harassment policies within the Host Institution, equivalent policies should be in place at any sub-awardee organization.
- Resources
Resources on Bullying and Harassment, including the University’s Bullying and Harassment Complaints Procedure, Conduct Regulations and training opportunities can be located at the below links: