Human tissue
The use of human tissue for research purposes is governed by the Human Tissue Act 2004 and any subsequent amendments. This legislation regulates the removal, storage and use of human tissue defined as 'relevant material' that has come from a human body and consists of, or includes, human cells. The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) is the regulatory body which licences establishments storing and using relevant material for 'scheduled purposes' such as research or anatomical examination. The HTA has issued Codes of Practice which detail the standards expected from licenced establishments.

The University holds two research licences and one anatomy licence. The licences cover the following areas:
MBC/BCH Research Licence 12044 (DI Dr Jackie James)
Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology
Welcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
School of Pharmacy
David Keir Building
School of Biological Sciences
RVH Research Licence 12059 (DI Dr Gareth McKay)
Centre for Public Health
Anatomy Licence 12113 (DI Ms Samantha Taylor)
Anatomy licenced area, Centre for Biomedical Sciences Education
An overview of the licencing structure is available here.
Information for the anatomy licenced area and body bequests can be found here.
Relevant Material
Relevant material is material that has come from a human body and consists of, or includes, human cells. Examples include:
- Blood
- Urine
- Faeces
- Tissue Samples
- Saliva
- Sputum
- Skin
- Bone
The definition of relevant material and a supplementary list of materials can be found on the Human Tissue Authority’s website. Nails and hair from the living are not considered as relevant material and gametes are also excluded. Where relevant material is processed, treated or lysed, and as a result of the process or treatment is rendered acellular, then the material may be regarded as such. This includes cells divided and created outside the human body or the freezing and thawing of cells only where that process is intended to render the material acellular.
Quality Manual
In order to ensure compliance with licensing requirements the University has developed regulations, policies and SOPs. An overview of these and the management of Human Tissue Act related activities are provided in this Quality Manual.
- Quality Manual (pdf)
Regulations and Policies
The University has established regulations and policies to govern research and maintain the integrity of research carried out under its auspices. The University’s Human Tissue Act-related regulations and policies are:
- Regulations for Research Involving Human Participants
- Policy and Principles on the Ethical Approval of Research
- Regulations Governing the Allegation and Investigation of Misconduct in Research
These can be viewed here.
Training is now solely delivered via MS Teams. Please see the following schedule of sessions, which also contains details of how to register for them:
Human Tissue Act Training Schedule - Academic year 2024 - 2025
If you are unsure of any element of the training, or if you have any further HTA related queries, please get in touch with