Research integrity
The Concordat to Support Research Integrity outlines the five principles of Honesty, Rigour, Transparency and open communication, Care and respect, and Accountability, as the core elements to maintain the highest standards of research integrity. The Concordat also defines the expectations of researchers, employers and funders of research. Queen’s University has its own Code of Conduct and Integrity in Research, which provides additional detail as to its expectations of staff, students and those working on behalf of the University.
The University is committed to implementing and adhering to the key commitments detailed within the Concordat. These are:
- To maintain the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of research;
- To ensure that research is conducted according to the appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, obligations and standards;
- To support a research environment that is underpinned by a culture of integrity and based on good governance, best practice and support for the development of researchers;
- To use transparent, robust and fair processes to deal with allegations of research misconduct should they arise;
- To work together to strengthen the integrity of research and to review process regularly and openly*.
*As part of this commitment the University is required to produce an annual statement of compliance.
In accordance with our commitment to the Concordat, the University has produced an annual statement of compliance, signed off by Senate, outlining its work and providing high level information on concerns raised around research integrity. The most recent annual statement, as well as all previous years statements can be found here.
The University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (PVC) for Research and Enterprise is the senior academic lead on research integrity matters. On a day-to-day basis he/she is supported by the Head of Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity.
Professor Archie Clements
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Enterprise