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MRC Funding Streams

Research and Enterprise invites applications for funding for projects relating to impact, commercialisation and external engagement.  

All projects must be based on previous or current research.

Applications will be open to members of staff in any School within the University that can satisfy four essential criteria:

1. Translational potential

2. Submitted an Invention Disclosure Form (IDF):

  • For Confidence in Concept projects an IDF must be submitted two weeks prior to the submission of the application
  • For Enterprise Fellowship applications an IDF must be submitted prior to the commencement of the project

3. The project must be able to start reasonably quickly

4. Completion Dates:

  • Confidence in Concept projects must be completed within 12 months of the start date
  • Enterprise Fellowships must be completed within 6 months of the start date
  • All projects must be completed (cost or spend incurred) by 03 March 2025

For more information and to access the Invention Disclosure Form please visit or contact Maria Colligan ( in the Commercial Development Team.

This call is currently closed.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss a project proposal please email and include 'MRC IAA' in the subject line.

MRC IAA Confidence in Concept (CiC)

The overarching aim of the QUB MRC IAA CiC scheme is to strengthen our translational healthcare research portfolio, in line with the ‘healthy living for all’ theme of QUB’s ‘Strategy 2030’. 

The CiC scheme aims to accelerate the transition from discovery science to the early stages of therapeutic, diagnostic, drug delivery, or medical device development by supporting early-stage technical development or feasibility studies that provide experimental validation of an emerging technology in one of the above sectors.  

Funding of up to £75,000 may be awarded for each project. Typically, this will allow for a 12-month PDRA/RA contract plus consumables.   

Successful applicants for the CiC fund will be required to attend an Innovation Training Programme, designed to provide support for researchers to engage and develop partnerships with the life sciences sector, equipping individuals with skills to network/negotiate effectively, and understand in more detail how Industry Academia Collaborations work. 

This fund is currently closed. All applications must be submitted via the online form. A downloadable version of the application form is available here to help facilitate application preparations. To discuss an application please contact and include ' MRC IAA' in the subject line.

An Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) must be submitted two weeks prior to the submission of this application. Please note that the deadline for the Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) has now passed. If you did not submit your IDF by the deadline, you will have to wait for future CiC calls.

It is expected that the outcome of the call will be announced approximately 6 weeks after the closing date. 

MRC IAA Enterprise Fellowships  

The Enterprise Fellowships (EF) scheme which will fund Early-Career Researcher (ECR) or Postdoctoral Research Assistant (PDRA) mobility supporting flexible people exchanges between industry and the University. This model is a key route for exchanging knowledge and skills, offering the potential to develop longer-term partnerships.  

The EF Fund will support increased engagement with external partners at a strategic level through establishing/enhancing relationships that have potential to secure enduring collaborations and impact. These Fellowship awards should enable the validation of research outcomes, knowledge exchange and technology transfer, information gathering and ideation, in the real world.

All EF applications must involve an external partner.  There is an expectation of cash/in-kind contributions to be provided by this partner which are tailored to the specific project and the proposed fellow’s professional development.

Funding of up to £20,000 may be awarded for each project, to cover a maximum six-month period. 

This fund is currently closed. All applications must be submitted via the online form. A downloadable version of the application form is available here to help facilitate application preparations. To discuss an application please contact and include ' MRC IAA' in the subject line.

While an Invention Disclosure Form is not required when submitting an application, applicants whose submissions are deemed fundable by the panel must submit the appropriate IDF for consideration prior to confirmation of funding award and subsequent project commencement.  For more information and to access the form please visit or contact Maria Colligan ( in the Commercial Development Team.

It is expected that the outcome of the call will be announced approximately 4 weeks after the closing date of the call.