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The Science of Ageing Well podcast logo
The Science of Ageing Well

Advancements in health mean we are now living longer.  The environment we live in, work in and play in can have a huge impact on ageing and it's important we explore this, especially in the face of the climate crisis and our changing environment.  Through the course of this podcast series we will be speaking to some of the researchers from both the SPACE project at Queen's University Belfast and researchers from similar projects around the world.

For more information on our research visit:

This work was supported by UK Research and Innovation [ES/V016075/1]

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Advisor Exchange Podcast logo

Welcome to the Advisor Exchange podcast! Demystify processes and share best practices. Whether you're new to the role or seeking to enhance your understanding, tune in to gain valuable insights and enjoy some enlightening conversations.

Spotify: Queen's University Belfast - Advisor Exchange | Podcast on Spotify

Apple Podcasts: Queen's University Belfast - Advisor Exchange on Apple Podcasts


Thumbnail for women theatre makers podcast
Women Theatremakers in Northern Ireland

This series celebrates, and examines the challenges for, women making theatre in Northern Ireland from the 1980s to the present day.

You will hear from theatremakers working in various roles, including writing, acting, directing, lighting and sound. From Charabanc Theatre Company’s establishment during the years of the Troubles to the contemporary theatre scene and Waking The Feminists NI, the episodes trace a rich tradition of women in theatre.   

This work was undertaken by Dr Shonagh Hill and supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/X004414/1].

Listen to Women Theatremakers in Northern Ireland

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