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Queen's Conversation Harvard

The History Manifesto, a discussion on the role of history in decision making today

Professor Richard English of Queen’s University Belfast in conversation with Professor David Armitage of Harvard University

This podcast features Harvard University Historian David Armitage, in conversation with Queen's University's Professor Richard English.  It focuses on Professor Armitage's co-authored book The History Manifesto, and considers the role of History in relation to public policy, political decision-making and societal challenges. One of the world's leading historians, Professor Armitage reflects on the implications of his arguments, not least for challenges such as the Coronavirus crisis.

Listen to the podcast via Apple or Spotify.

richard english 2
Professor Richard English

Professor Richard English is an internationally recognised historian, academic and author having conducted extensive research in Irish politics and history, political violence and terrorism.

His expertise lies in Irish history and conflict as well as the wider subject of international terrorism. In his more recent works, Professor English explores the response after 9/11 and its shortcomings, and argues that we cannot adequately respond to the practical challenge of terrorist violence around the world unless we are more honest about the precise nature of the phenomenon, and about explaining its true and complex causes.

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David Armitage
Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History, Harvard
Professor David Armitage

David Armitage, MA, PhD, LittD, CorrFRSE, FRHistS, FAHA, is the Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History and former Chair of the Department of History at Harvard University, where he teaches intellectual history and international history. He is also an Affiliated Professor in the Harvard Department of Government, an Affiliated Faculty Member at Harvard Law School, an Honorary Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, an Honorary Professor of History at the University of Sydney and an Honorary Professor of History at Queen's University Belfast. 

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