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AHSS - MSCA-PF-24 Call Page

The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is a dynamic community of internationally acclaimed researchers, scholars and students who are committed to creating and sustaining a modern and meaningful place of connected learning. We are open to all talents, welcoming of challenge and change, and dedicated to using our subject expertise to make a difference to lives locally, nationally and internationally. 

We host a large number of research projects, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, that are funded by UKRI, Horizon Europe, the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, The Wellcome Trust, the HEA North-South Research Programme, and other funders. Our international research collaborations stretch across several continents and include established and new partnerships in a range of universities across the UK and Ireland. 

In the most recent Research Excellence Framework, 83.2% of our research was assessed as 'internationally excellent' or 'world-leading' 

Below is the list of academics looking for a postdoctoral researcher to apply to the upcoming Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 call.

Professor Maeve McCusker
School of Arts, English and Languages

Postcolonial writing in French

Maeve works mainly on postcolonial writing in French, with a particular interest in the Francophone Caribbean. In 2023, Fictions of Whiteness was awarded the prestigious Gapper Book Prize by the Society for French Studies. She is currently the School Director of Research and welcome applications from French speaking fellows.

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Professor Aoife McGrath
School of Arts, English and Languages

Dance and embodied knowledge

Aoife is a dance scholar and choreographer who engages in practice-based choreographic research. She is interested in finding out how embodied knowledge can be valued and included within policy-informing collaborative research processes. Her Dance and the Maternal project encompasses performance projects that communicate experiences of maternal corporealities.

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Professor Isabel Torres
School of Arts, English and Languages

Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture

Isabel has produced a significant body of published work across the broad field of Golden Age literary studies, authoring essays on early modern theatre, prose and poetry. Her major contribution has been in the field of Renaissance and Baroque poetics. She holds a personal Chair in Spanish Golden Age Literature.

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Dr Sian Barber
School of Arts, English and Languages

Film censorship, classification and regulation

Sian’s research interests cover British cinema, controversies and censorship, archives, film and history. She has published on British film and cinema, cinemagoing and audiences, regulation and classification and the work of the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). She is a member of the EUscreen Foundation, a European consortium which explores aspects of digital heritage, access and preservation.

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Dr Steven Wilson
School of Arts, English and Languages

Global/critical medical humanities

Steven’s research is situated at the interface of French Studies and the Critical Medical Humanities. It explores the ways in which modern French literature and thought, from the nineteenth century to the present, contribute to cultural understandings of disease, illness, pain, medical practice and dying/death. His work has been funded by the AHRC Leadership Fellowship entitled Global Disease: Language(s) and the Literary Imagination.

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Professor John Turner
Queen’s Business School

Economic history

John’s research is focussed on the long-run evolution and development of banking, banking crises, bubbles, and financial markets. He is the author of Banking in Crisis, published by Cambridge University Press. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2018.

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Dr Bibek Bhatta
Dr Bibek Bhatta
Queen’s Business School

Analysis of unstructured data to understand societal phenomena

Bibek’s recent working paper exposes, for the first time, the misalignment between SDG7 goals and the national discourse of US, UK and Ireland. He also engages in research related to international investments, corporate governance and corporate finance.

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Dr Rajnish Kumar
Queen’s Business School

Economic Theory, Network Economics, Distributive Justice

The primary focus of Rajnish’s research explores the mechanisms of distributive justice in the framework of cooperative and non-cooperative game theory. He uses his theoretical knowledge to uncover the mechanism of smoking behaviour in adolescents where peer effect is a primary determinant of smoking incidence.

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Dr Sara Melo
Queen’s Business School

Healthcare management

Sara Melo adopts an organisational studies perspective to better understand the design and implementation of innovations, particularly in the healthcare sector. Sara’s research has explored how innovations start, evolve, and are successfully implemented, including the role of factors such as: learning networks; place; objects and temporality.

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Professor Giancarlo Frosio
School of Law

Intellectual Property and Technology Law

Giancarlo is the Director of the new Global Intellectual Property and Technology (G-IPTech) Centre that addresses legal challenges in the digital age. His work begins from a central question: how does the law adapt to technological innovation? He has also acted as an expert for the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Intellectual Property Office.

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Dr Ciara Hackett
School of Law

Business, Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility

Ciara is particularly interested in how corporations, international and domestic law have shaped the corporate obligation to respect human rights and how, in cases where these obligations have not been fulfilled, a remedy can be sought. She is member of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars group and the UK Business and Human Rights Network.

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