International Research
Research is an increasingly global endeavour, with significant funding opportunities available to support international collaborations. Queen’s is a globally connected institution, with research partnerships across disciplines and borders to address projects of world significance.
Queen's University is strongly committed to supporting international research that addresses Global Challenges
Queen's, in collaboration with The Department for the Economy, has dedicated funding to support the development of partnerships around the world, some of which are highlighted in the link below.
View Global Seed Funded Showcases
International research funding is available from a variety of UK and International organisations, some of which are highlighted below.

Queen’s University has been very successful in securing funding from the Global Challenges Research Fund, with a current portfolio of more than 25 projects across 30 countries.
Additionally, the University has seeded research workshops and pump-priming pilot projects across over 50 countries.
View GCRF Showcases
Queen’s has also been successful in securing awards from the Newton Fund, with a current portfolio of more than 70 projects across 14 of the 17 Newton partner countries.
Dr Trung Duong from The Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology was the winner of the 2017 Newton Prize for his work with Vietnamese partners on a Catastrophe-Tolerant Telecommunications Network.
View Newton ShowcasesQueen's has developed international partnerships with organisations around the world to support collaborative research on global challenges.
Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) provide a general framework for future collaboration with an international institution. The primary objective is the development of cooperative efforts between Queen’s University and the international partner, which will enhance the research interchange between the two institutions for international research collaborations.
View current list of MoUs
Queen’s University is committed to International Research engagement and provides support to access funding for these activities.

To promote collaboration between Queen’s researchers and those in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Queen’s and FAPESP jointly fund SPRINT awards.
Fourteen awards have been made since 2014.
View FAPESP Awardees
The Fredrik and Catherine Eaton Visitorship Awards scheme supports scholarship and mobility in the context of exchanges between Queen’s University Belfast and the University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Seventeen awards have been made since 2014.
View Queen’s Eaton Fellows