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Research Careers Campaign

Research Careers Campaign

In November 2021 we ran a Research Careers video campaign, where we asked academics to share challenging moments that helped shape their careers, as part of our effort to normalise open conversations about career pathways in research.

We received input from a wide range of academics from different areas and schools across the University.

Listen to their stories below.

Professor Chérie Armour

School of Psychology, who shares her disappointment around an unsuccessful job interview, but notes that as one door closes another door opens!

Dr Áine Aventin

School of Nursing and Midwifery, who says that when you push yourself beyond your boundaries failure is inevitable, but it's also part of the process of becoming successful!

Dr Paul Best

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, who advises researchers not to take ‘failure’ personally, to reach out for support and most importantly, to keep trying!

Dr Anna Bryson

School of Law, who shares some important advice on how you can turn setbacks into learning points, rather than confidence crushers!

Professor Mark Emmerson

School of Biological Sciences, reflecting on the importance of embracing opportunities, even if it means rethinking your research.

Professor Emma Flynn

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Enterprise, who reminds us that, while resubmitting papers can be painful and perseverance is vital, we are not our work!

Professor Joanne Hughes

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, who talks about encountering and overcoming reviewer bias when submitting a journal paper.

Professor Muiris MacCarthaigh

School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics sharing that, while your first ‘rejection’ can be hard to forget, listening to feedback can lead to bigger things!

Dr Helen Noble

School of Nursing and Midwifery, highlights the benefits of mindfulness when dealing with 'rejection'.

Professor David Rooney

Dean of Internationalisation and Reputation, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, shares that while knock-backs can be disheartening, they can also make you more determined to succeed!

Professor Alan Stitt

School of Medicine, Dean of Innovation and Impact, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, who advises researchers to embrace the fact that setbacks will happen, but don't see them as failures, instead use them to bounce back better!

Professor Isabel Torres

School of Arts, English and Languages, who highlights the importance of complementary one-to-one individual interactions in helping to build a truly collegial and inclusive research culture.

Professor Jayne Woodside

School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, shares an example of receiving negative feedback from a respected colleague, how this was initially devastating, but valuable in the end!