To be eligible to enter the competition, you must be starting your PhD programme between Autumn 2021 and January 2022 at a University listed in the directory. Payment will not be made without proof of enrolment.
Terms and Conditions
1. The FindAPhD scholarship competition is open to students of any nationality who will be starting their PhD study between Autumn 2021 and January 2022 at a university listed in the directory.
2. By entering you confirm that the material you have submitted is accurate and correct.
3. We can only award the £6,000 cash prize to students starting their PhD study between Autumn 2021 and January 2022 and cannot award to any students who are continuing existing PhD study.
4. Only one cash prize per person will be awarded and it will not be awarded to any previous winners.
5. The closing date for entering is 13:00 BST, Tuesday 31 August 2021.
6. Winners will be solely judged on the information provided in their entry form.
7. The judging panel’s decision is final.
8. If you are picked as a winner, you will be contacted to provide proof of acceptance onto a PhD programme starting between Autumn 2021 and January 2022, listed by a university on the directory.
9. Whilst all reasonable efforts will be made to contact you within four weeks of the competition closing, we reserve the right to offer the £6,000 cash prize to another candidate if we do not hear from you, or if you are unable to provide this proof.
10. Before receiving any payment, you must prove your status of enrolment on a PhD programme at a university listed in the directory. This proof MUST show that you are fully enrolled onto a PhD program, and that you did not start your PhD studies BEFORE Autumn 2021.
11. Winners will be requested to take part in promotional activities in relation to winning the prize including but not limited to; profile information for scholarship winners webpage, blog post/s, social media and promotional video.
12. Applicants’ personal data will be used in accordance with data protection legislation in the UK.