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Education, Achievement and Place: a multi-site study of educational outcomes and engagement based on two urban communities in Belfast
Deadline: 15 May, 2024
Funding Amount
The Studentship offers tuition fees and annual stipend to support living costs for a maximum of three years, depending in residency. For 23-24 the stipend amount was £18,622 and tuition fees of £4,712
Application Status

Eligibility summary


Supervisors: Prof Daniel Muijs (SSESW) and Dr Gavin Duffy (SSESW).

CAST (Co-operative Awards in Science and Technology) PhD Studentship in Place-based Education with Queen’s Communities and Place (QCAP), funded by Department for the Economy (DfE).

Context: Education in Northern Ireland (NI) is marked by inequalities of outcome. Certain groups of young people are more at risk than others of leaving school without adequate qualifications, experiences, and opportunities. Research suggests that these disparities mirror socio-economic factors—particularly wealth, class, ethnicity, gender, and parental qualifications (Early et al, 2022). However, studies across the UK show that there is an additional spatial dimension to this phenomenon in which less favourable education outcomes tend to be concentrated in urban, working-class communities (Kerr & Dyson, 2017). It is clear that to fully understand education inequalities, it is essential to look beyond individual factors and consider the wider socio-spatial contexts in which children are raised and where educational processes occur (Kerr et al, 2014). This has been recognised in policy, with the preference for addressing unfavourable conditions ostensibly shifting towards place-based approaches. The Levelling Up programme, for example, claims to deliver improved outcomes for places through ‘education investment areas’, but is at risk of disregarding the varied needs of local landscapes (Lybeck, 2022). In NI the Fair Start report advocates for a whole-community approach and the development of a place-based ‘reducing educational disadvantage’ programme (Purdy et al, 2021), but has since been scaled back by cuts. In many cases, these types of interventions have been top-down and ‘place-blind’, with limited success (Kerr et al, 2014). Consequently, community organisations have assumed responsibility for improving the local education environment, despite the complexity and scale of the task.

This project will add depth to our understanding of this spatial phenomenon, with a focus on the transformative potential of Critical Educational Landscapes (CELs)—a place-based model of education currently being developed by Queen’s Communities And Places (QCAP) (Robinson, 2023). CELs emphasise community-centred education, actively involving communities in shaping and delivering education that is relevant, inclusive, and empowering. The model encompasses four programmatic areas of intervention: education networks, diverse learning spaces, pathways to employment, and an innovation ecosystem. A key aspect of this involves closer collaboration and co-creation between schools and communities. The student will be embedded within QCAP’s partner organisations—the Market Development Association (MDA) and Greater Shankill Partnership Board (GSPB), with whom they will co-design the project—and their nascent CELs. Using Yin’s case study approach of replication rather than representation, the student’s initial focus will be on the Market, to draw out a range of variables and perspectives that can then be tested with the Shankill. The student will extract much needed data on place-based factors and insights into how communities, through the framework of CELs, can influence educational outcomes beyond traditional school settings.

About QCAP

Serving as a key delivery mechanism for Queen’s University Belfast’s (UK) strategic commitment to social and civic responsibility and economic prosperity, Queen’s Communities and Place (QCAP) is a research initiative based on engagement and partnership between communities, policy makers and academics. Combining academic expertise and experiential knowledge from the community, Queen’s Communities and Place uses a ‘place-based’ approach to co-create new solutions to address persistent physical, economic and social challenges, as well as to strengthen the engagement between Queen’s University and its surrounding communities. QCAP launched in November 2021 with our anchor partner in the Market community in inner south Belfast. We are also working collaboratively with projects and communities in the north, west and east of Belfast across a range of sectors and academic disciplines. We have sought to challenge existing frameworks, with evidence-led, data-driven approaches to build interventions and practices together to identify what might work better here for communities to thrive (Higgins et al, 2023). For further information visit



Further Information

The studentship

The successful student will be embedded within QCAP, and will be spending at least three months each with our community partners, the Market Development Association (MDA) and the Greater Shankill Partnership (GSP). During these placements the student will be mentored by local community leaders, respectively.  This will provide the student with a valuable insight and first-hand experience of the processes involved in developing place-based education interventions.

Given the importance of this project, we are seeking an outstanding applicant who can not only demonstrate knowledge and skills but also a strong passion and commitment to work in this area.

We are looking for someone with

  • Masters in education, preferably in a related topic
  • Experience of working directly with local communities / community organisations.
  • Experience of teaching or involvement in delivery of education programmes


Funding Towards

Living Costs / Stipend, Tuition Fees

Funding Body

This project is funded via a Co-operative Awards in Science and Technology (CAST) studentship. The sponsor is Department for the Economy (DfE).



Funding Amount

The Studentship offers tuition fees and annual stipend to support living costs for a maximum of three years, depending in residency. For 23-24 the stipend amount was £18,622 and tuition fees of £4,712

Number of Awards


Funding Body

This project is funded via a Co-operative Awards in Science and Technology (CAST) studentship. The sponsor is Department for the Economy (DfE).




For further details about eligibility criteria (including academic, citizenship and residency criteria) please click on the DfE Research Eligibility Guidance Notes:  While successful candidates are expected to undertake full time working hours on the project, there may be scope to further supplement their income through teaching activities should opportunities arise. 

While successful candidates are expected to undertake full time working hours on the project, there may be scope to further supplement their income through teaching activities should opportunities arise. 

Funding Type

Help with new course

Fee Status

Start Date

Thu, 28 Mar 2024 11:11:00 GMT

Close Date

Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 BST

Contact Us

If you have any queries on the studentship, please email Prof Daniel Muijs

How to Apply

Application process:

To apply, please log onto Queen’s University Belfast Direct Application Portal, select the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, selecting a PhD in Education, complete the required sections and submit your application by 15th May 2024. Cite reference DMGD24 in your application if you are applying for this studentship.


Applicants are required to submit a two-page statement outlining their suitability for the project and how their current skills and experiences make them the ideal candidate for this project. Within this document, we encourage applicants to draw particular attention to any experiences or skills they may have in relation the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of Place-based education and Whole community approaches to education
  • Understanding of educational underachievement
  • Research skills.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to take part in a brief interview. It is anticipated that interviews will take place the week commencing 3rd June 2024.

Please ensure that you meet the entrance criteria for the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social, found here.