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Taking Medicines at Home: Exploring medication use as a socially embedded phenomenon
Deadline: 10 April, 2024
Level of Study
Postgraduate Research
Application Status

Eligibility summary

  • Level of StudyPostgraduate Research


Dunhill Medical Trust PhD Studentship: Medicines in Ageing Societies

Title: Taking Medicines at Home: Exploring medication use as a socially embedded phenomenon

Supervisors: Dr Gemma Carney (School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work) and Dr Neil Heron (School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Science).


This project is part of a doctoral training programme (MED-AGE) which will fund four studentships supported by the Dunhill Medical Trust. The interdisciplinary research conducted under this programme will further understanding of the importance of medicines in the lives of older people. The successful candidate will be a member of the cohort of Dunhill students funded under this programme and will be exposed to outstanding training and development opportunities.

Medication usage does not occur in isolation. Conversely, older adults navigate a complex set of social networks and relationships with doctors, pharmacists, spouses and carers as well as friends and adult offspring in the practice of maintaining good health. As such, medication use has been described as a socially embedded phenomenon which, in most cases, happens in private, at home (Ross and Gillett, 2021).

This PhD project will contribute to an important growing body of qualitative research which examines how older adults negotiate their use of prescription drugs (Hawkins, Nickman and Ross, 2017). The ethos of this PhD project emerges from Estes (1979) classic sociology of ageing which argued that older adults’ lives are shaped by the medical industrial complex - a system which prioritises pharmaceutical over social interventions. Nevertheless, medicines are in large part responsible for extended life expectancy. We need to gain a better understanding of medicine use as a daily aspect of the social structure of later life. So, the project has two key objectives.

  1. To focus on the home as socially networked site of kinship and family dynamics which frames medication usage, and
  2. To employ emancipatory research methods to investigate the potential for older adults to use medication in ways that optimise their health.

The student who takes on this project will have a strong interest in working with older people in a manner which helps participants to articulate their own views. They will have knowledge of social science research methods and a willingness to work across disciplines. They will use qualitative research methods including in-depth interviews in a way which will empower and inform older people about their medication use. Part of this approach will involve finding out how the views of older people can be better communicated to doctors and pharmacists.

There is a wealth of research demonstrating that patients who feel supported and empowered in their healthcare decision-making have better health outcomes. So, understanding and communicating older adult’s lived experience of taking medicine at home could be a significant step forward for doctors and their patients navigation of complex pharmaceutical regimes.

The studentship: The successful student will be based at QUB.

Given the importance of this project, we are seeking an outstanding applicant who can not only demonstrate knowledge and skills but also a strong passion and commitment to work in this area.

Further Information

Funding Amount

Funding information:

Students must be available to commence no later than September 2024, the studentships are for home fees and stipend only, eligible ROI candidates who can demonstrate 3-years residency in the UK immediately prior to the start date of the award will be eligible for home fees and stipend, and those who cannot demonstrate 3-years residency will be eligible for home fees only.

The Studentship offers tuition fees and annual stipend of £18,622 to support living costs for a maximum of three years, depending in residency. Stipend: £18,622.00 per student for year 1 and 5% added in for inflation for the two subsequent years (£19,533 and £20,531 respectively).

While successful candidates are expected to undertake full time working hours on the project, there may be scope to further supplement their income through teaching activities should opportunities arise.

Number of Awards



Please ensure that you meet the entrance criteria for the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social, found here.

Funding Type

Help with new course

Fee Status


Study Level

Postgraduate Research

Start Date

Mon, 19 Feb 2024 13:31:00 GMT

Close Date

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 23:59:00 BST

Contact Us

If you have any queries on the studentship, please email Dr Gemma Carney ( 

How to Apply

Application process:

To apply, please log onto Queen’s University Belfast Direct Application Portal, select the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, select ‘Social Policy’ for the subject area, and then select the degree of ‘Social Policy (Doctor of Philosophy)’.  Complete the required sections, and submit your application by 18 March 2024. 

It is anticipated that interviews will take place in early April 2024. Cite reference ‘DunhillLM’ in your application if you are applying for this studentship.

Applicants must include a personal statement (1 page max) in which they should describe their interest, experience, and commitment to ageing research. You should attach this when prompted to upload a proposal. 

Within this document, we encourage applicants to draw particular attention to any experiences or skills they may have in relation the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of and an interest in ageing and older people
  • Work with sensitive topics such as care for vulnerable adults
  • Research skills, particularly in relation to qualitative, ethnographic or interview methods
  • Knowledge or interest in social and/or medical gerontology.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to take part in a brief interview. We expect this position to be very competitive.