The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences will soon be inviting applications from outstanding early-career scholars for a one-year Hilary Rodham Clinton Early Career Fellowship to be taken up during the academic year 2021/22. The Fellowship was instituted in 2020 to mark the award of the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Secretary Clinton.
Reflecting Secretary Clinton’s interests and career, the Fellowship is open to outstanding early career researchers in the following broad areas: conflict transformation; global security; human rights, including women’s rights and children’s rights; international law; international politics; international relations; women in politics.

One Fellowship is available to begin from September 2021 for a period of 12 months. The post will enable the holder to pursue an independent research project towards the completion of a significant piece or pieces of publishable research and to present a public lecture relevant to the research undertaken. It is expected that this project may emerge directly from and/or build upon the successful candidate’s doctoral work but, in principle, any well-justified and clearly-deliverable advanced-research project within the field is capable of being supported under the Fellowship. The award will also enable the successful candidate to build academic and policy-related networks, and develop their research and professional skills.
The Fellowship will include a salary and additional funds may be applied for to support research activity, such as travel, conference attendance, training and fieldwork. The successful applicant will be mentored by a relevant senior academic and be fully integrated into the research culture of the Faculty.
Candidates will be requested to provide the following information in their application
- A full curriculum vitae (maximum four pages)
- A paper outlining the project and explaining how it is aligned with the aims of the fellowship (maximum two pages)
- A workplan outlining the key milestones of the project link to the project deliverables (maximum one page)
- A statement of the impact you intend your research to have (maximum one page)
- The names and contact details (include email addresses) of two referees who have agreed to support your application and have knowledge of your work
The successful candidate must have:
- PhD (viva completed by 31/8/21) in or closely related to conflict transformation; global security; human rights including women’s rights and children’s rights; international law; international politics; international relations; women in politics.
- Relevant experience of researching any of the above broad areas.
- Demonstrable potential to write high quality academic publications.
- Demonstrable ability to develop networks with academic and policy communities.
Salary: £33,797 - £40, 322
Fixed term contract available for one year

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We are a leader in gender equality and diversity, and are one of the UK’s most successful universities in the Athena SWAN initiative which promotes gender equality and career progression. The University holds an Athena SWAN sliver award. We are ranked 1st in the UK for knowledge transfer partnerships, (Innovate UK); in the Top 200 in the world in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024; and over 99% of Queen’s research environment was assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent (REF 2021).
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The University is committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all.
However, our employment monitoring data tells us that individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, people with a disability and those who identify as LGBT+ are currently under-represented at the University. As such, we particularly welcome applications from these individuals.
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It is also why we have established award winning Staff Networks such as PRISM and iRise. These networks provide an opportunity for staff to meet in a friendly, informal way to support each other. More details on all our networks can be found at https://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/StaffGateway/StaffNetworks/